PROTECTING OUR SOUTHERN BORDER: Lacey Hull will increase our border security resources, including adding more law enforcement, to protect our community from human traffickers and drug cartels.
DESIGNATED DRUG CARTELS AS TERRORISTS: Lacey Hull designated drug cartels as terrorist organizations to hold them accountable for poisoning our kids with fentanyl.
ONLINE CHILD PROTECTION BILL: Lacey Hull passed a bill that protects our children online by limiting what they can access on social media and preventing sexual predators and Big Tech from preying on them.
SUPPORTS OIL & GAS, LOWER PRICES: Lacey Hull knows Oil and Gas producers are the backbone of the Texas economy. Lacey Hull supports our state’s oil and gas companies by allowing them to increase supply and bring down gas prices.
VOTED FOR TEACHER PAY RAISES: Lacey Hull voted for pay raises for public school librarians, counselors, nurses, and teachers who take on harder teaching jobs.
FIGHTING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Lacey Hull is leading efforts to stop domestic violence in Texas. Hull is fighting to protect women and children, and make sure abusers stay behind bars.